Address: Department of Urban Planning
Tsinghua University
100084 P.R.China
Email: [email protected]
Oct.2003-Nov,2006 PhD, Department of Land Economy, Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, U.K.
Jan. 2002- Jan. 2003 SPURS Fellow (Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, U.S.A
Sept. 1994-May 1997 M.A., Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Sept. 1990-June 1994 B.A., Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Planning of Residential Community (Studio)
Site Development Control Planning (Studio)
Theories of Urban Planning
Land Use Planning and Management
Urban Renewal and Space Governance
Professional Experience
Jun. 2016-present, Prof. and Deputy Director in Department of Urban Planning, Tsinghua University
Jun. 2019-present, Director, Center for Land Use and Housing Policies, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University
Jul. 2022-present, Director, Innovation Center for Smart Human Settlements and Space Planning & Governance, Ministry of Natural Resources, China
Dec. 2012-May 2016 Prof. Department of Urban Planning, Tongji University
Sep. 2007- Nov. 2012, Associate Prof. Department of Urban Planning, Tongji University
Feb. 2003-Sep.2003, Director of Key Projects Department, Guangzhou Urban Planning & Research Center, China
April 2001-Jan. 2002, Vice-Director of Key Projects Department, Guangzhou Urban Planning & Research Center, China
July 1999- March 2001, Planner, Urban Planning Division, Guangzhou Urban Planning Bureau
June 1997- June 1999, Planner, Guangzhou Urban Planning and Survey Institute
Recent Honors and Awards
2022 Winner of Second Price for Excellent Decision Consultation Achievement Award from 2017 to 2021, Beijing Science Committee
2021 Winner of Second Price for Progress in Science and Technology , Ministry of Education, China “Theories,technology and practical application of urban-rural land use in the peri-urban area” (PI)
2019, “Peri-Urban China: Land Use, Growth and Integrated Urban Rural Development”, “Special Mention” prize of Gerd Albers “Best publication” by International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP)
2018, Winner of Outstanding Young Scientist of Beijing, Beijing Municipal Government
2018, Winner of First Prize, China Construction Science and Technology Award, Ministry of Housing, Urban and Rural Development
2017, Top 40 most influential planning papers over the last 4 decades, China Planning Society
2014-2020 listed by Elsevier “Most Cited Chinese Researchers”
2013, Winner of Science and Technology Award for Chinese Youth in Urban Planning, China Urban Planning Society, (one of 6 all over China)
2013, Winner of Excellent Youth Science Fund, National Science Foundation of China, Project number: 51108325
2008: Program for Pujiang Talents, Shanghai Municipal Government
2004-2006: Cambridge Overseas Trust Scholarship, Cambridge Commonwealth Trust/ Cambridge Overseas Trust
2004-2005: Overseas Research Student Awards, Universities UK
2004-2005, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Dissertation Fellowship, Boston, USA
2004, Research Grant for PhD Dissertation Fieldwork, Queens’ College, University of Cambridge
2001: State Scholarship, Chinese Scholarship Council
2001: Excellent Paper: the 7th Papers Competition for Young Urban Planners in China, organized by Chinese Planning Association
2000, Excellent Paper: the 5th Papers Competition for Urban Planners in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin and Chongqing, organized by the governments of these five cities
1999, Second-Class prize (Top 4th) for excellent design projects of Guangdong Province
1999, Second-Class Prize(Top 3rd) of the 6th Papers Competition for Young Urban Planners in China, organized by Chinese Planning Association
1997, Outstanding Postgraduate, Shanghai Municipal Higher Education Committee
Professional Memberships
2021- present, Deputy Director, China Society of Land, Land Economics Division
2020- present, Deputy president, “Regional Studies Association” China Division
2019- present, Deputy president, China Society of Urban Planning, Planning Implementation Division
Co-Guest editor, Special issue of “Inclusive Urbanization”, Cities, 2016
2017-present, Deputy Chair, New-style Urbanization and Urban-rural Planning Committee, Chinese Society of Urban Studies
2016-present, Committee member, Urban Regeneration Committee, Chinese Society of Urban Studies
2016-present, Committee member, Site Development Control Committee, Chinese Planning Society
2014-present, Board member, Regional Science Association of China
2004- present, Cambridge Overseas Trust Fellow
2001-present, Certified Urban Planner of China
Books (In Chinese)
Tian, Li, Huang An, Li Yongfu et al. Evaluation and Improvement of Resources Carrying Capacity of Medium Small-scale Spatial Unit, Tsinghua University Press, 2023
Tian, Li,Yao Zhihao, et al, Urban Renewal Planning, Tsinghua University Press, 2023
Tian, Li,Jing Xia, et al, Rental Housing Development and Planning for Rental Communities of International Mega-cities: Comparison and Implications, China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing, 2022
Tian, Li & Zhang Shuhai,Land Use Planning(2nd Edition),Tsinghua University Press, 2022
Tian, Li,Yao Zhihao, et al, Urban Renewal and Space Governance, Tsinghua University Press, 2021
Tian, Li, Bo Qin, Tingwei Zhang,Chinese Cities in a Global Society, in Legates, R. and Stout, F. eds. City Reader, the 7th edition, Routledge, 622-631
Gu Chaolin, Tian, Li et al, National Planning: SD Model, Tsinghua University Press, 2020
Tian, Li & Ye, Yumin, Urban and Rural Coordinated Planning, Tsinghua University Press, 2019
Tian, Li, Urban Planning and Public Health, China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing, 2017
Tian, Li, Urban Land Use Planning, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, 2016
Gu, Chaolin, Tian, Li, Zhou, Kai et al. (eds.) (2016) Handbook of Planning Research Methods, China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing
Tian, Li, Li, Yongfu, Shen, Jie et al. (2015) Urbanization and Urban-rural Development, China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing
Tian, Li (2015) A Comparative Study on the Land Use of Peri-urban Areas in China: Spatio-temporal Pattern and Driving Force, China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing
Zhang, Tingwei & Tian, Li eds.(2013) Chinese City Reader, China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing
Gui, Yanli & Tian, Li (2013) Theories of City Master Planning, Renmin University Press, Beijing
Luan, Feng, Wang, Yiyun, Hou, Li and Tian, Li (2013) Urban Economics, China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing
Tian, Li, Yao Kai, Wang Wei, Dong Hengpin, (2010) Comparative Study of Urban Planning and Construction of Global Cities, China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing
Tian, Li (2008) Betterment and Compensation under the Land Use Rights System of China, China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing
Books (In English)
Tian, Li,Guo, Yan, Peri-Urban China: Land Use, Growth and Integrated Urban Rural Development, Routledge, 2019
Tian, Li Land Values, Property Rights and Urban Development: Betterment and Compensation under the Land Use Rights of China, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014
Books (Bilingual: Chinese and English)
Tian, Li, & Li, Qing, Urban Planning and Design Textbook for International Students in China, China Architecture & Building Press, Beijing, 2016
Selected English Journal Papers
Tian, Li,Liu, Jinxuan, Liang Yinglong and Yaxin Wu, A Participatory e-Planning Model in the Urban Renewal of China: Implications of technologies in facilitating planning participation, Environment and Planning B, 2022(6), 1-17
Li, Jingwei, Tian, Li, Wei Ouyang, Exploring the Relationship Between Neighborhood Built Environment and Elderly Health: A Research Based on Heterogeneity of Age and Gender Groups in Beijing, Frontiers in Public Health, 2022
Tian, Li,Jing Xia, Wei Ouyang, et al, Mobility restriction and its implications for rental housing market during COVID-19 pandemic in China’s large cities, Cites, 2022(3)
Lin Zhou Tian Li *, Yandong Cao, et al. (2020) Industrial land supply at different technological intensities and its contribution to economic growth in China: A case study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Land Use Policy, 2020(6), 1-12
Zhihao Yao, Tian Li *, How did collectivity retention affect land use transformation in peri-urban areas of China? A case of Panyu, Guangzhou, Journal of Rural Studies, 79(2020),1-10
Tian Li*,Yaqi Yan, George Lin, Yaxin Wu, Lei Shao, Breaking the land monopoly: Can collective land reform alleviate the housing shortage in China’s mega-cities?, Cities, 106(2020),1-10
Yaxin Wu, Tian Li *,Yingkai Ling,Examining the Impacts of Land Supply on Housing Price in Chinese Mega-Cities: An analysis of prefecture-level cities in China from 2009 to 2016,China City Planning Review, 2019(5)
Gao, Y. Tian, Li*, Lin Zhou et al, Supplying social infrastructure land for satisfying public needs or leasing residential land? A study of local government choices in China, Land Use Policy, 88(2019)
Lin Zhou, Tian, Li*, et al. How did industrial land supply respond to transitions in state strategy? An analysis of prefecture-level cities in China from 2007 to 2016, Land Use Policy, 87(2019), 1-13
Tianyue Peng, David O'Connor, Bin Zhao, Yuanliang Jin a, Yunhui Zhang, Tian, Li, Na Zheng, Xiaoping Li, Deyi Hou*,Spatial distribution of lead contamination in soil and equipment dust at children's playgrounds in Beijing, China,Environmental Pollution,245(2019),363-370
Tian, Li*, Yao, Z. Fan, C. Zhou, Lin, A systems approach to enabling affordable housing for migrants through upgrading Chengzhongcun:A case of Xiamen, Cities, 2018(12), 1-14
David O'Connora, Deyi Houa,⁎, Jing Yeb, Yunhui Zhangc, Yong Sik Okd, Yinan Songa,Frederic Coulone, Tianyue Penga, Tian, Li,Lead-based paint remains a major public health concern: A critical review of global production, trade, use, exposure, health risk, and implications,Environmental Pollution,21(2018),85-101
Ouyang, W., Li, J.,Tian, Li*, Jiang Y. etc. (2018) Examining the Impacts of Land Use on Cancer Incidence through Structural Equation Modeling: A Case of the Pan-Yangtze River Delta, China, Cities, 2018(3),11-23
Tian Li*, Zhihao Yao,From State-dominant to Bottom-up Redevelopment: Can Institutional Change Facilitate Urban and Rural Redevelopment in China? Cities, 2018(1),1-12
Tian Li*, Liang Yinlong, and Zhang Bo (2017) Measuring Residential and Industrial Land Use Mix in the Peri-urban Areas of China, Land Use Policy, 69(2017)427-438
Hou, D., O'Connor, D., Nathanail, P., Tian, L., Ma, Y.,Integrated GIS and multivariate statistical analysis for regional scale assessment of heavy metal soil contamination: A critical review, Environmental Pollution,231(2017),1188 - 1200
Chenjing Fan, Tian Li *, Lin Zhou, Deyi Hou, Yan Song, Xiaohui Qiao, Jingwei Li, Examining the Impacts of Urban Form on Air Pollutant Emissions: Evidence from China,Journal of Environment Management, 212(2018), 405-414
Boyi Wang, Tian Li *, Zhihao Yao,Institutional Uncertainty, Fragmented Urbanization and Spatial Lock-in of the Peri-urban Area of China: A Case of Industrial Land Redevelopment in Panyu,Land Use Policy, 72(2017),241-249 IF 3.662
Tian Li, Li Yongfu*, Yan, Yaqi, and Wang, Boyi (2017) Measuring Urban Sprawl and Exploring the Role Planning Plays: A Shanghai Case Study, Land Use Policy, 67(2017), 426-435
Tian, Li*. Guo, X. Yin, W. (2017), From Urban Sprawl to Land Consolidation in Suburban Shanghai under the Backdrop of Increasing vs Decreasing Balance Policy: A Perspective of Property Rights ,Urban Studies, 54(4), 878-896
Tian Li, Li Yongfu*, Shao, Lei, and Zhang, Yue, Measuring the Spatio-temporal Characteristics of City Expansion and Its Driving Forces in Shanghai from 1990 to 2015, Chinese Geographic Science, 2017,27(6),875-890
Zhu, J. and Tian, Li (2016) Editorial: inclusive urbanization in the 21st century China, Cities, 2017, 1-5
Ouyang, W., Wang, B.,Tian, Li*, and Niu, X. Spatial deprivation of urban public services in migrant communities under the context of rapidly urbanizing China: A case of Shanghai, Cities, 60(2017), 436-445
Tian, Li*, Biqing Ge, Yongfu Li, (2017)Impacts of State-led and Bottom-up Urbanization on Land Use Change in the Peri-urban Areas of Shanghai: Planned Growth or Uncontrolled Sprawl? Cities, 60(B), 476-486
Tian, Li, Behind the Growth: Planning Education in the Fast Urbanizing China, (2015)Journal of Planning Education and Research, 36(4),465-475
Tian, Li, Land Use Dynamics Driven by Rural Industrialization and Local Land Finance in the Peri-urban Areas of China: The Examples of Jiangyin and Shunde, Land Use Policy, 45(2015),117-127
Tian, Li* and Zhu, Jieming (2013) Clarification of collective land rights and its impact on non-agricultural land use in the Pearl River Delta of China: A Case of Shunde, Cities, 2013(35), 190–199
Tian, Li* and Shen, Tiyan, Evaluation of Plan Implementation in the Transitional China: A Case of Guangzhou City Master Plan, Cities, 2011(28), 11–27,文章编号:doi:10.1016/j.cities.2010.07.002
Tian, Li*. & W. Ma (2009) Government Intervention in City Development of China: A Tool of Land Supply, Land Use Policy, 26 (2009), pp. 599-609,文章编号:doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2008.08.012
Tian, Li. (2008) Chengzhongcun Land Market in China: Boon or Bane?—A Perspective of Property Rights, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 32(2),282-304,文章编号:DOI:10.1111/j.1468-2427.2008.00787.x
Tian, Li. (2007) Impacts of Public Transit on Residential Property Values in the Land Market of China: Evidence from Two Transport Projects in Guangzhou, Journal of Property Research, 23(4), 347-366,DOI: 10.1080/09599910601095365
Selected Chinese Journal Papers
Tian Li , Huang An, Li Yongfu, (2023) Evolution of complex system research model, simulation optimization and application: A case of Beijing rental housing system simulation based on the SDES framework, Journal of Nanjing Normal University, 2023(3)
Tian Li , Xia Jing, Yu Jianghao, Land Development Rights in the Spatial Planning System: Theoretical Trace, International Experience and Implications for China, Economic Review, 2022(12)
Tian Li , Xia Jing (2022) Comparison of international rental housing development models and policy implications for China, Journal of Architecture, 2022(3)
Tian Li , Xia Jing (2022) Unbalance of regional development and urban-rural development and planning equity in territorial spatial planning: A perspective of land development rights, Planners, 2022(10),12-20
Tian Li, Xia Jing,Du Yifan, Land Development Rights and Implementation of Major-Function-Zoning, Comparative Studies, 2022
Tian Li, Xia Jing,Land Development Rights and Territorial Spatial Planning: Governance logic, policy tools and practical application,City Planning Forum, 2021(6)
Xia Jing,Tian Li, et al, Deviations and Mechanisms in the Allocation of Construction Land Quota from the Perspective of National Governance, China Land Science,
Tian Li, Xu Qinzheng, Eliminating or Upgrading? Thoughts on Upgrading Informal Space in Collective Land, Comparative Studies, 2021(2), 2200-217,Reprinted by Xinhua News Digest, 2021(7)
Tian Li, Tao Ran, Land Reform, Housing Affordability and Transition of Urban-rural Development, City Planning Review, 2019(9),53-60
Tian Li, Transition of Urban Development From Urban Renewal to Urban Regeneration:A Perspective of Migrants’ Rights to Housing, City Planning Forum, 2019(4),56-62
Tian Li, Xia Jing,Land Development Rights and Territorial Spatial Planning: Governance logic, policy tools Models and Policies of Rental Housing Development in 15 International Mega-cities, Urban Planning International, 2020(6), Reprinted by Press of People’s Daily, Understanding China’s Economy
Tian Li, Tao Ran, Liang Yinlong, Transition of Implementation Pattern Facing the Predicament of Urban Renewal: A Perspective of Space Governance, City Planning Forum, 2020(3),10-16
Tian Li, From Space Management to Space Governance, City Planning Forum, 2019()
Yao Zhihao, Tian Li (Corresponding author), Fan Chenjing and Zhou Lin, Research on urban renewal targeting the supply of public rental housing: a case of Xiamen Chengzhongcun regeneration, City Planning Forum, 2018(4),88-95
Tian Li , Exploring the path of balancing individual benefits and public interest in the “Three Renewal”, City Planning Review, 2018(2),78-84
Du Kun, Tian Li (Corresponding author), Research on expansion of urban and rural construction land driven by land financing: the case of Yangtze River Delta, Urban Studies, 2017(8),91-99
YAN Yaqi, TIAN Li, Studies on Evolution of Implementation Policies of Urban Renewal in UK since the 1990s and Their Policy Implications for China [J], Shanghai Urban Planning Review, 2016(4),45-50
Guo Xu, Tian Li (Corresponding author) Land Consolidation Planning and Implementation in Shanghai:A Perspective of “Property Rights Transfer—Development Opportunities Redistribution”, City Planning Review, forthcoming
Tian Li, Wang Boyi, Wei Ouyang, Niu Xinyi, A Comparative Study of Urban Public Service Supply between Local and Migrants Community in the Periphery of Shanghai: A Perspective of Spatial Deprivation, City Planning Review, forthcoming
Kun Du, Tian Li (Corresponding author) Urban Renewal and Regeneration of London: A Perspective of Global City, Overseas Urban Planning, 2016(8)
Tian Li, Li Jingwei, Ouyang Wei, Chen Wanqing, Zeng Hongmei, Xiao Yang, How does Urban and Rural Planning Influence Public Health? An Interdisciplinary Research Framework from “Individual Health” to “Urban-rural Health”, Urban Planning Forum, 2016(2), 111-126
Li Qing, Tian, Li. The Formulation of Urban Planning and Design Concept Based on Phenomenology: Shanghai Jinshan Living Seashore, Urban Planning Forum, 2015(6), 99-105
Tian, Li, Zhihao Yao, Xu Guo and Wei Yin, 2015. Land Redevelopment from a Perspective of Property Rights Configuration: Local Practice and Implications in the Backdrop of New Urbanization, City Planning Review, 2015(1), 22-29
Tian Li, Ge Biqing, Li Yongfu, (2014) Research on Temporal-Spatial Characteristics and Driving Force of Land Use Change in the Peri-urban Areas of Shanghai, City Planning Review, 2014(6), 45-51
Tian, Li (2013) Land Urbanization of China at the Crossroad: A Review since the Establishment of Land Use Rights System and a Vision of its Transition, City Planning Review, 2013(5), 22-28
Tian, L. and Liang,Y. (2013) Industrialization and Land Use in the Peri-urban Areas of China: An Investigation of Three of 100 Top Counties from the Three Megapolis, Urban Planning Forum, 2013(5),30-37
Tian, Li (2013) Dilemma of Double-track Land System in Urban-rural Coordinated Planning Implementation: An Exploration of Reform in Land Property Rights, Urban Planning Forum, 2013(2), 18-22
Tian, Li (2012) An Introduction to Planning of Greater New York, Urban and Regional Planning Research, 5(1),179-195
Tian, Li & Changhai Luo (2012), Land Share-holding Cooperative and Rural Land Use in the Industrialization Process: A Case of Shunde, City Planning Review, 2012(4), 25-31
Zhang, H. Tian, Li, and etc., Research on the Impact of Urban Planning on Real Estate Development Based on Land Value: A Case of Real Estate Development Projects in the City Center of Jinshan New Town, Shanghai City Planning, 2012(1)
Tian, Li & Biqing Ge,(2011) Land Use Characteristics and Driving Forces of Peri-urban Area in the Transitional Economy, Urban Planning Forum, 2011(3), 66-73
Tian, Li, Perry Yang, Hengping Dong & Liu Yang, (2011) Comparisons Between Planning Education of China and the USA under the Global Financial Crisis and Sustainable Development, Overseas Urban Planning, 2011(2), 99-105
Tian, Li, Urbanization of Land in Urbanization Process of China: Boon or Bane? City Planning Review, 2011(2), 11-13
Tian, Li & Sun Yue,(2010) Integration of Industrial Land Fragmentation in the Rural Pearl River Delta: A Case of Guangzhou Panyu,Urban Planning Forum, 2010(2), 21-26
Tian, Li, Debates on Public Interests of Urban Planning: Impacts and Implications of Property Rights, City Planning Review, 2010(1), 29-32,47
Recent Research and Design Projects
2021-2023, PI, Key Program of National Social Science Foundation of China, Land Development Rights in the Territorial Spatial Planning (20&ZD107)
2019-2020,PI,Tsinghua-Cambridge Joint Research Fund, Impacts of Rental Housing Development on Urban-rural Land Use and Jobs-housing Balance of Tenants: A Case Study of Beijing
2019-2020,PI,Tsinghua-HKU Joint Research Fund,Property Rights Reconfiguration in the Process of Urban Redevelopment of China: A Comparative Study of Beijing and Guangzhou
2018,12-2023,12 PI,Theory, Planning Methods and Supporting System of Beijing Urban and Rural Land Use and Housing Development, Funded by of “Beijing Outstanding Young Scientist Program” (JJWZYJH01201910003010)
2018,12-2022,12 PI, Platform Development of Resources Capacity of Rural Construction and Planning Application, National Key R&D Program of China (No: 2018YFD1100105),
2019,1-2022,12 PI, Research on Impacts of built-up environment on aging health from multi-dimensions and cross-scales, Funded by National Science Fund of China, Project number: 51878367
2018,1-2019,12, Co-PI , Impacts of Urban Form on Respiratory Health, Funded by National Science Fund of China, Project number: 51728802
2017,9-2018,9 PI, Research on Urban Renewal and Institutional Innovation of Xiamen, Funded by Xiamen Municipal Government
2013-2015: PI, A Regional Comparative Research on Land Use of Peri-urban Areas of China, Funded by National Science Fund of China, Project number:: 51222813
2012-2014: PI, Research on Land Use Characteristics and Driving Force in the Peri-urban Areas of China, Funded by National Science Fund of China, Project number: 51108325
2012: PI, Identification of Development Type of Rural Area, Sub-project of the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the Twelfth Five-year Plan Period
2012: PI, Planning of Rural Residential Settlements in Jinshan District, Funded by the Jinshan government, Shanghai
2012-present: PI, Urbanization and Development Pattern of Rural Area, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Project number: 0100219117
2011: PI, Research on Characteristics and Development Potential of Land Use of China, Funded by Grosvenor Ltd. UK
2010: Chief Planner, Planning of Hangzhou Bay Area, Ningbo, funded by Ningbo Municipal Government
2010: PI, Urban and Rural Land Policy Research of Shunyi District, Beijing, funded by Shunyi District Government of Beijing